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Senior Citizens

caringforseniors eldercare olderpeople seniorcare seniorcitizens worldseniorcitizenday Aug 21, 2024

We celebrate World Senior Citizen’s Day on 21st August and International Day of Older Persons on 1st October. With life expectancy on the rise, we have many senior and super senior citizens in our society. The elderly care is important, and we, as a society, need to cater to them with a lot of empathy.

Now why do we have such a day dedicated to senior citizens?

World Senior Citizen's Day is an opportunity to celebrate and appreciate senior citizens for their services, their accomplishments, and their dedication they have given in their lives. It is a humble way of recognizing the efforts they have made to shape the present day for all of us. Their experience is a learning for us which we cannot get from books or in any university degree. It is valuable, they are valuable....

If we speak philosophically, the time, the age is an interesting phenomenon. It does not stand still or pause, halt, or stop. All the living creatures – humans and animals – age. Life goes through phases of babyhood, childhood, teenage, adulthood and then finally old age. No one on this planet can stop this course of life. So eventually we all are going to be the “Senior Citizen.” We all need to keep in mind this lucidity of life.

Now, as we age, not only the physical abilities start declining but also mental health starts to deteriorate. It is a stage where they need physical and emotional support of their family, friends and in some cases professional one. At that time, we – society, also has a responsibility towards the seniors. We need to look after them with utmost care, kindness, and empathy.


What do senior citizens want?

Apart from medical support, senior citizens need a lot of emotional support. Their needs for food, clothing and all material things are reduced but their emotional needs increase. They wish to be in the company of their loved ones. They want to be asked, told, and considered in conversations. What do they long for - a phone call from their son or daughter or spend time listening and watching their grand kids. They want to enjoy the company and sometimes also share the stories from their childhood days.

How can we make their days happy and content?

The simplest way to brighten up their days is to spend time with them.

They wish to hear your stories. It is like a window for them to see the world through your stories. Speak to them. Tell them all about your dreams, struggles or even your routine.

Sometimes they want to share their stories. Listen to them patiently. You may have heard those stories umpteen number of times. But still give them patient listening .

Sometimes they may complain about their ailments or anything that is bothering them. Acknowledge them and try to give solutions. Give them positivity.

Finally in the grey days, what matters to them is you being there for them, listening to their plight, sharing their sorrows. This works like medicine for them. So, spend time if that is not possible, call them at least once a day. Check on them. Assure them that you are with them.


“Older persons are invaluable sources of knowledge and experience and have much to contribute towards peace, sustainable development, and protecting our planet.”


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