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#internationalwomensday #lactation #menopause #pregnancy #puberty #rebirth #womanhood Mar 15, 2024


Think Like a Woman 

As we all know, Woman’s Day falls on 8th March. Every year we celebrate this day with a lot of galore and fanfare. Over the years it has gotten quite glamorous as well, as it is being celebrated in workplaces, residential societies and in the media. We have a lot of forums where discussions and talks take place on woman’s day. The subjects are typically health and lifestyle. In short, womanhood is celebrated in a big way on every 8th March all over the world. 

Now, let us throw some light on why we have this special day for “women only” in the first place. Today with lot of liberty and freedom to voice, women are in a much better state. However, it was not the case about years ago.  Women were not treated or even considered equally to men in those times. There was an identity and creating equality struggle for women as they had a very inferior standing in the society, which eventually triggered a movement by few women in US and slowly spread to various parts of the world. Finally in 1975 the United Nations adopted 8th March as a Woman’s Day and now we celebrate it worldwide. But in general, if we look at it the movement of recognizing women as “equal beings” is barely 50-year-old. According to me the struggle is still on when it comes to truly realizing the “woman being.” 

As mentioned in the beginning, today we celebrate this day with discussions or in forums having panel discussions or talks etc. But if you notice most of the participants are predominantly women and not many men.  There is no denying that, women need a lot of support and guidance when it comes to their health or change in their mind set created by patriarchy. Afterall due to the typical societal framework or pressure, she still has a tightrope walk every day, from handling household chores to manage the people at work. Plus, nature has given her unique responsibility of childbearing. This whole “home-motherhood-work" thing makes her life no less than a roller coaster.  The men in the house are aware of this but they do not thoroughly understand her plight. And hence, through this blog let us make the men understand “what women are?” Let us make them “think like a woman.”  

It is usually said that Men are from Mars and Women from Venus. Certainly, both the genders are poles apart in physiologically, psychologically, emotionally.  And both have different sets of challenges. But the challenges proposed to a woman due to her physiology are much greater. In fact, in one life span she is born several times.  A man needs to acknowledge, understand and support in each of her rebirth. This blog will be an attempt to help men ponder and realize her plight. 


Her first Rebirth is Puberty. Now Puberty is for both - boys and girls. Age differs but both have physiological and mental changes that happen in them. But the life of a girl changes after this phase drastically. Suddenly she is treated like an adult or like a woman. The perspective of the family members, especially male members, towards her changes. There are restrictions put on her daily life. A father who was her most favorite friend suddenly becomes a villain, as he imposes rules on her. Her dress, her language, her arrival time at home, everything is observed minutely, in fact also restricted. 

Now in this phase how can a father support her?  

The father is very dear to the daughter. Hence the first thing a father should do is “trust” the daughter. He needs to understand the emotional turmoil she is going through.  The fear of a father due to her being a woman now and the distractions or dangers in the society are legitimate. But then this is the time the father should be gentle, kind and warm towards her rather than furious and put restrictions. It is important to make her understand the dangers and inculcate that sense of trust. This is the time to bring in the values of child upbringing. If she realizes that her relationship has not changed with her father or he cares and understands her, she will be assured and relaxed. It is an extremely fragile time and father needs to handle it with care. Remember she does not wish to lose her friendship with the father. Do not hover over her. Instead have a friendly dialogue.  In short celebrate her adulthood, her Rebirth by being with her and trusting her unconditionally. 


For health tips during this phase of Puberty: 
You can also check a video on puberty on our YouTube channel 13th Wacky Wednesday - 1st Rebirth of a Woman - "Puberty ( 

After rebellious teenage years, there is a more challenging phase which is life changing rebirth for a woman called “PREGNANCY”. The would-be Mom and Dad are obviously ecstatic. Nowadays the would-be father also gets involved during this phase – be it the doctor’s appointments or the nutrition or attending the exercise class.  

But what is usually missed is her emotional state during this period. She is changing in physical appearance which is obviously visible. But understand she is also experiencing some emotional changes. Her life is going to transform and hence she is happy yet vulnerable. A husband is her closest support in this journey and hence it is more important to make her relaxed. Be her emotional anchor in this phase. Understand her mood emotions and assure her that you are with her in this new phase. Assure her your love and support.  

Nowadays some hospitals allow husbands to come inside the delivery room. Be with her during those moments. They are the toughest for her.  

Even after the baby is born, there will be sleepless nights, lactation, vaccinations and many more chores. Most dreaded will be Post Partum Depression for the new Mom. Understand this is a very serious illness, if not realized and handled with care. The only medicine to this is Your presence, which will make it easy for the new Mom to handle it. So just be there.  

And most importantly, after the baby is born, if she decides to go back to her career, support her decision. Do whatever you can to contribute and to handle the “HOME”. Afterall “Home” is for both.  


You can also watch our video on our YouTube channel  

What to eat & what not while you're pregnant? | Dr. Priya - Nature Nurtures ( 

With The Birth Of The Baby, A Mother Is Born | Dr. Priya - NatureNurtures ( 

Understanding Post Partum Depression | Dr. Priya - NatureNurtures ( 

Starting from Puberty, a woman – her body and emotional state – goes through various phases.  
Now, the kids are grown. Most of her relationships are settled. She is relatively free. But then again, nature has put another challenge in front of her when she feels she is ready to sit back and relax a little.  Another challenge makes her life swirl and whirl. At the dusk of her life, she is put to "Menopause."  

Now men may wonder, what could they do in this? 

Again, this is a phase to “handle with care”, not only by husband but by the family members as well. Physiologically, the protection of estrogen is lessening in her body which may create various health challenges like hair loss, fragile bones, sleep apnea, palpitation, Thyroid, hot flashes etc. etc.  

Apart from these physical issues, there will be or due to all these, she will also go through emotional turmoil.  This is a time when you spend time doing activities together. You can travel together, even join some hobby class together. This will help her come out of the “empty nest” syndrome as well and will give her a reason to look forward. Even the children should understand this phase of hers and make sure that they spend quality time together. Being available for the parents should always be a priority. This will keep them, especially MOM, happy and healthy. 

It is important to note that women are relatively stronger. However, nature has posted quite a few challenges to them which make them weak, vulnerable sometimes. In such phases, she needs the support from her her brother, her husband and her sons to lean in.  

This way the Woman’s Day will be truly a celebration of “Womanhood” and life of a woman will be understood by the other gender. For that we recommend to all the men, “Think Like a Woman.” 


Do watch our videos on our channel on menopause  

Menopause Empowerment | Dr. Priya - Nature Nurtures ( 

Celebrate Your Menopause | Dr. Priya - Nature Nurtures ( 

How To Take Care Of Your Knees during Menopause? | Dr Priya - NatureNurtures ( 

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