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Travel with your Doctor

#health #healthytravel #holidays #travel stayhealthyinholidays May 31, 2024

"Travel Brings Power and Love back into your life" – Rumi


Travel is exploring beautiful cultures. Travel is experiencing the world. Travel is learning, acquiring knowledge, and getting connected with our planet Earth. Travel has always been an integral part of our lives for ages. However, we have come a long way in the technological world and the dynamics of the world have changed in a terrific way, even for traveling. Traveling on the horse to traveling in the horse carriages in 1900s to now traveling in the ultra-modern, high-speed trains like shinkansen (bullet train) or luxurious cruise ships or airplanes have changed in a significant way. Kudos to our innovations, we are now also aiming and preparing for space tourism. In short, we travel for work, for leisure, for adventure, for education etc.

However, over the years, what has not changed is travel anxiety, falling sick during and after traveling due to changes in routine, food, or weather, getting wounded sometimes on an adventure trip or simply facing jet lagged. We all have been there, faced these typical “pre and post travel blues” and the challenges during the travel. Traveling with small babies, kids and senior citizens adds to more worries.

What do you do in such a situation? How do you prepare yourself??

What if I advise you to take your doctor along with you???

I am sure you will think this as a crazy idea and completely out of proportion advise.

But let me prove you that it is not that crazy advise. How? Let us deal with some of the health challenges proposed during travel and some remedies.

The first thing first. You need to add the most essential luggage piece in your list is the “medical kit.”  Now the question is what medicines to carry?

Before Travel:

  1.  Building Travel Immunity:

Yes, you can do that. Before your travel, you start taking Vitamin C and B12. Vit C comes easily through humble fruits like orange, Indian gooseberry, star fruit, kiwi etc. For B 12 you may take supplements. Walk in the morning sun for Vit D. Mind you, this is particularly important for adventure travelers who need a lot of energy and stamina.

  1.  Medical Kit:

Particularly important. I am sure many of you have this on the list. But we may tend to get overwhelmed by the number of medicines to carry. This happens mainly when we travel with babies or senior citizens. So, the kit you carry should have the following medical accessories and some homeopathy medicines.

  • cotton bandage
  • few Colton swabs
  • antiseptic cream
  • adhesive bandages
  • compression bandages
  • oral rehydration fluids
  • carbon tablets

During Travel

Now there could be many things that can go wrong during our travels. There could be any uncalled-for incidences or accidents, quite common are:

  • INJURIES, if we are trekking
  • VOMITING, change in food type
  • CONSTIPATION, again change in food type
  • DIARRHEA, change in water
  • FEVERS, change in weather 
  • COLDS, again change in weather
  • BODY ACHE, because of lot of walking
  • HEADACHE, hectic schedule of sight-seeing or travel itself

 As I said before, we all face such conditions some time or the other during our travels. Our immunity, however good it may be, gives up sometimes. And we are away from medical help, or we are in an unknown set up where it is difficult to get help immediately. In such situations, we recommend some homeopathy medicines which are easy to carry and taste better.

Adventure travel



In the holiday season most kids choose to go trekking with some group. Many young girls and boys these days also go solo trekking or mountaineering. These are adventure trips for sure. You must walk, climb, sleep in tents, there are insect bites. In short, an adventure in a true sense as you leave your comfort zone.

I am sure you will go well prepared from a comfortable backpack to sturdy shoes. But God may forbid, if you fall and get wounded or get cramps due to walking, you need more than those comfortable shoes. You need medicine to heal quickly. That too such medicines which are without any side effects (because you do not need more medicines to get rid of the side effects). Homeopathy is the best medicine for all this. They are Rhus Tox, Ruta, Hamamelis. You may also get the essential oils for bug or insect bites. Now the names of the medicine might be confusing, and you may be thinking which medicine to take, when to take, in what quantity. So, you take the Doctor with you.


Leisure Travel

Holdiay season or no holiday season, travel has become a great leisure activity. Even if we get two days of window, we tend to go someplace. Sometimes, it is for sightseeing or sometimes it is just for relaxing. But not necessarily this change suits our body. Since there is a change in routine, we tend to eat or drink leisurely or even sometimes carelessly. In such times, our mind is relaxed but our body is working tirelessly to cater to whatever we have consumed.

What do we need to handle this?

Homeopathy medicine is there for your rescue. Especially for small kids or even babies, the medicine is helpful and easy to give them. Some general medicines you can carry with you for nose block, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, body ache etc. You can take

  • Sabadilla
  • Spigelia
  • Arum Tri
  • Ferrum Phos

But again, you would not know which medicine for what illness and when and how to take. Take your doctor with you on a leisure trip as well.



Official / Business Travel 

 Now you also have some official travel or business travel where you are mentally stressed. You may have to travel across the world changing flights, in different time zones. This gives additional stress to the body. Imagine, the mind and body both are having a dreadful experience of your upcoming business travel and presentation. But there is no option, right?

Homeopathy gives a great relief when your mind-body-soul are stressed. The medicines which you must carry during your business travel is Phos 30.

Now, in this phase, you need to calm down and take your doctor with you.

But can you take your doctor with you??

So, what do we mean by “taking your doctor with you”?


So, taking your doctor with you means, taking a Digital Doctor with you......

Now we have suggested a few homeopathic medicines to deal with travel illnesses. There are many possible incidentsapart from the stated ones. They are unknown and hence you are unaware of the treatments as well. Obviously, you cannot take the doctor with you. But you can be your own doctor to treat yourself or your family when you are away traveling. This is very much possible through Naturenurtures’ digital courses 1-2-3. I, as 30 years practicing homeopath and as a mother, have thought and studied deeply and have formulated a Complete Health Management system for some common illnesses in THREE courses. Each course has a solution for some usual illness. They may not necessarily come during travel but even otherwise in our day-to-day life. In each course, I have given

  • How to diagnose
  • How to select illness specific homeopathic remedies with exact potency and repetition
  • How to brew the herbal brew for specific illness
  • How to make and use herbal paste

The advantage of these courses is you can carry them in your digital gadget (phone) wherever you go. They will remain with you for a lifetime.

So, no need to panic or get hyper when, God forbid, any medical emergency arises, or we face another pandemic. You can learn to treat yourself and your loved ones easily once you register for the course. In today’s digital / virtual / technological world, I would rely on an experienced doctor’s advice than google for my health.

You can visit our website Naturenurtures Digital - We teach, You Treat to know more.

You can check our videos on YouTube Naturenurtures Holistic Homeopathy - YouTube





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