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#braandcancer #febrawary #preventbreastcancer #respect your body #saynotobra #selfhealing #wellbeing #women health Feb 28, 2024

A bra-nd new year has started and we are sure that it has begun with brand new resolutions. In every January we align our actions with our resolutions. This is a very positive beginning.

February is here now. We mark this month for cancer patients and cancer survivors as, 4th February is dedicated as “World Cancer Day”. The word “cancer” brings fear to our minds. As we all know, cancer is a disease which happens due to the changes in the cells of our body. Of course, preventing this change is not in our hands. But preventing some lifestyle changes is very much in our hands. It is time and again said that lifestyle change is key to prevent any illness, even a disease like dreaded cancer. At least we can always try to reduce certain causes which may harm our body.

Speaking of such changes, one change that is necessary and very possible to avoid breast cancer is going bra-less.  This statement is surely going to be very controversial and is going to make a lot of eyebrows go up.  But this could be a very basic preventive measure or a lifestyle change which is easily doable.

This blog will deal with the whole “why bra less?” necessity. Hence it is called "Feb-ra-wary".

This February, let us ponder upon the "closest outer" part of our body, that is THE BRA.

Is history still dictating our standard of beauty?

Let us first see the emergence of this lingerie called “bra”. There is almost 300-400 years of history behind this piece of cloth. (Please watch this video to learn about the history of bra). 

The English people in the medieval age (about in 17th century), made women wear tight corsets. They were so tight that one needed help from someone to tie them. A corset is a support undergarment worn to hold and train the torso into the desired shape and posture. Literal meaning of “corset” is actually "little body". This garment was used to make ladies look slimmer, and beautiful apparently. Supposedly. 

Later this corset turned into the new age "bra" which is extremely popular and is like a non-negotiable part of clothing.

Today the "bra" comes in so many varieties like strapless bra, T-shirt bra, underwire bra etc. etc. It is a massive industry.

However, we need to rethink about this whole bra thing as it was NEVER intended for any health purpose. In fact, it was made with an intention of making a woman body more uptight and slimmer.

Do you feel comfortable wearing a bra or without one?

Now, when we are talking about breast cancer and preventive measures, going bra-less, at least part of the day could be a major lifestyle change.  Of course, this lifestyle change will not come so easily and will bring a lot of questions, even fears in the minds. Before clearing the doubts and fears, let us also look at this “myth” of “bras prevent the sagging of the breasts”.

To be honest, bras are not essentially essential, either for our physical beauty or our health.

As mentioned before, the bras came into being to make ladies look slimmer and in “desired shape”. There is nothing wrong with that, but we need to be aware of the price we are paying for this. Wearing a bra is a cultural requirement or now more of a market requirement and not a physical or physiological. We need not fall prey to this “myth”.

Traditionally women did not have such a tight piece of cloth around their breasts (Research proves that the incidence of Breast cancer in tribal women who do not wear bras is very low).

So, we should make an informed decision. We should empower ourselves with the right knowledge and not get carried away with the notion of “bras make us beautiful” or “bras hold the breasts up and prevent from sagging. And that too enduring the pain and increasing the probability of Breast cancer.

Why are we dressed to kill ourselves?

Just pause and think for a moment. Bra, how much ever thin material or light weight or invisible they are made, are a "weight / burden"; not only on shoulders but even to our back. The moment we unstrap those bras, we feel liberated. Being bra-less is a comfort.

So, we need not negotiate comfort to a fashion. We certainly should not compromise our health for fashion. (Watch this byte to know the myth of the bra Myth about bra.... - YouTube)

Women's liberation is NOT only mental or emotional or social or financial element, but also a PHYSICAL one and a basic one. A simple way of achieving this liberation is simply not tying ourselves to them.

Now, we deal with all the fears that we as women have. The most fearful questions are:

  • Not wearing bra will make my breasts sag!
  • Going bra less in public will attract undue attention!
  • Not wearing a bra will make me look shabby!

There are concerns and having such concerns is a good thing. We need to tackle all these issues with knowledge.

Will my breast sag? 

“Not wearing a bra will make my breasts sag”

This has been fed in our minds by society or the media. The truth is, there is no scientific evidence to support that statement. In fact, CEO of Platex, John Dixey has himself stated that wearing a bra does not stop breasts from sagging. To be honest, bras were created to keep breasts in place and create a desired silhouette and nowhere it is said that they were made to prevent sagging.

So, let us not be under the wrong impression that the bras will hold our breasts up. It is not the bra but good exercise that can tone up the breasts.  We are sharing a detailed video here for your ready reference. Breast Care Exercise - YouTube

So, pumping up some real muscles is the key to the health of breasts and not the bras.

What will people say?

The second and a very important fear of ours is “what will people say?” To answer this, we would like to give a simple hypothetical scenario. Think if someone tied you to a chair the whole day, would that be comfortable?

It is a similar feeling of discomfort wearing the bra.

There is a famous song in Hindi (Indian language) which translates to “people will say something, that is their job”. Society will always have an opinion and we do respect that. But we do not have to abide by that opinion by harming our own body. It is easy to say or opine, but suffering day and night with that burden is not easy, also not required. Let the family get used to this picture. Let society get used to this thought. We should make the world know of the pains that we undergo (apart from all other pains like menstrual, post-delivery, menopause).

So let us unite and not tie us to this piece of cloth. GO BRA LESS, if not completely, at least at night or whenever we are at home. Afterall, any beginning towards HEALTH is always welcome.

How will I look?

There is another fear of not wearing a bra is, how will I look? Now to that, we need to think holistically.  A personality is a whole of our inner happiness, peace and health. If we carry ourselves with confidence, we look beautiful anyways with or without a Bra. Looks are all in our minds. So, work on your mind. Do not tie yourself to myths and put yourself into possible danger.  Internally, being healthy and happy is more important than the outer part. It does not come by any material use or coverage

Taking care of the breasts should be the goal and not conforming to false unhealthy ideas of beauty.

(For breast strengthening and care, sharing a good diet video here Breast Care Diet #diet #recipes - YouTube)

Lastly, to be more specific on possible dangers of wearing bra is

  1. Wearing a bra may lead to breast congestion.
  2. Breast congestion leads to breast pain.
  3. Breast pain is tagged with breast cancer.


  1. Wearing a bra may increase reflux.
  2. Wearing a bra may increase back pain.
  3. Wearing a bra may contribute to breathlessness.

So, we need to keep in mind before we wear that bra 24*7 x 365 days. We must have the courage to unstrap ourselves from all the myths and be brave to save ourselves from all pains. A change does not happen overnight, but it can take baby step. Going bra less at night or whenever we are home is certainly possible. And any possible thing should be put into action. Let this new year and new February be the beginning of a positive possibility.

If you have any more questions or queries, please reach out to us on our various social handles or send us a WhatsApp on +6596647657.

We would be glad to help you, whichever way we can. For more in-depth information, subscribe to our YouTube channel here Naturenurtures Holistic Homeopathy - YouTube

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Let us pledge to take health measure to avoid the BIG C in this Feb-Ra-Wary.














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